Sunday, July 11, 2010

beachy keen

Have you ever been to the east coast?

That is where I am.

Right on the coastline.


To wake up and go to sleep to the gentle roaring of the sea,
and look out the huge window in the family room, and see the water,
right there.

A cloud that looks like cotton fluff floats across the horizon line,
and lazily makes a drifting stop, just above an almost indiscernable fishing boat.


All I want to do is read in the sand and let the ocean breeze lift my spirits.

Good thing that's what I get to do!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I was just looking @ your blog...and I love it so much! I was wondering if you could maybe give me some layout advice. I want to put a music player on mine, and have my layout all open like yours, without borders or anything. But I don't know how to do any of it! I am completely clueless :( Any how, I just thought i'd ask. Again, I love your blog! -Brenna