Sunday, May 23, 2010

this summer?

tea parties
the creek
sitting on the curb
laughing on the grass
swimming everyday
earning money
reading every book possible
barbecues and chicken salad
warm, starry nights
making cupcakes
waking up first in the morning
waking up last in the morning
playing with my siblings
Deseret Industries
the blog
craftiness and headbands
sidewalk chalk
snuggling up with blankets and a movie
running around in the rain
being barefoot
sewing projects
eating lunch at home
finishing online classes
Tangies for breakfast
random dance parties
motorcycle rides
Gilmore Girls
surprise parties
the cove
balloons and jump rope
blowing bubbles
journal writing
ferris wheels
choir parties
buying a new swimsuit
French braids
sleeping in a tent
bonfires in the canyon
voice lessons
finding garage sales
driving around with Christian
Jimmy John's
St. George with best friends
breathing with the wind
listening to birds
opening my window
ice cream cones
summer lovin'
fantastic friends
summer twenty-ten


Steven and Wendy OBryant said...

you failed to mention spending time with your adorable niece/cousin and favorite aunt before they move across the country!!!!! it's ok, i forgive you as long as we can get snoasis soon. additionally - i have a book for you and your mom to read. it's cute. holly lent it to me and now i'm passing it on to the cedar hills house. i'll bring it tomorrow. xo

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am There. By the way, Your playlist=Bliss. -Shelby Frampton

melody said...

yes please. this makes me want to fail all my finals and go play. love. it. all.