Thursday, August 27, 2009

So, I...

...never really imagined loving Shakespeare as much as I do now. Because...I DO.

Shakespeare Auditions = golden.
Callbacks = even better.

I am on a natural high because of all those glorious words...

" murdering ministers. Wherever in your sightless substances you wait on nature's mischief!" (Macbeth, Lady Macbeth-my monologue-awesome).

And now...we wait. More (hopefully) on the subject tomorrow. How will it fare? One can only imagine...

Oh! And I got asked to homecoming. Pretty much an awesome week that all ends with a huge bang which is Chamber singing the national anthem and drama council retreat. Huzzah!

1 comment:

Jonathan Baker said...

Oh my goodnesss! That does sound like a delightful group of events! Shakespeare team... sigh... I am so jealous! That was always my favorite part of the whole year! I would rather do that than college, actually! Did you meet my brother at the call-backs?! I was so happy he made them!!!