Monday, October 26, 2009

fall, fall, my favorite time of all...

The decorations, the leaves, the candy, the wind, the cold mornings, the mugs of hot cider that warm your insides...this is the time of year I LIVE for.

it's almost halloween.

Which means it's almost my birthday!

Why is halloween the best time of the year? Well, now you know.
Not only is Autumn the best season hands down (Winter being a close second, I think...but I may change my mind to Summer or Spring tomorrow) but my birthday gets to come right in the midst of fall beauty!! Ah, sweet mystery of life. Beauty, you are leaves that change color and blow away in ringlets of autumn folly!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I really need...

a haircut,
a dog,
some new winter shoes...these flats aren't keeping my tootsies warm and it's only October,
better fashion sense,
some hot chocolate,
a new book to read,